When the winter chill settles into Spring Hill, Florida, you’re bound to spend more time indoors, where it’s cozy and warm. As you get the family together for movie night or an evening homework session, you want to feel confident that the air in your home is pure and clean. From dry air to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon monoxide, find out how to prevent the ways indoor air can make your family sick this winter.
Dry, Dusty Air
Winter often brings dry, dusty air that can aggravate health issues. If it seems like the dry air in your home is causing your sinuses to dry out or your winter colds to worsen, you aren’t imagining things. Dry air leads to dehydrated sinuses, which makes you more susceptible to getting colds or the flu.
In addition to drinking more water and moisturizing your skin, take steps to increase the humidity level in your home. At Senica Air Conditioning, Inc., we recommend using a whole-house humidifier to keep the moisture level comfortable all winter long.
Volatile Organic Compounds
As you spend more time indoors, you’re liable to inhale more airborne particles like VOCs. A wide range of household items, such as carpet, furniture, and cleaning products, release these harmful chemicals into the air.
You can lower your VOC exposure by eliminating harsh chemicals and certain types of adhesives from your home, but you can also do much more. Invest in an air cleaner that removes these microscopic particles from your home, and you’ll breathe much easier.
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide can be a problem year-round, but it’s an especially dangerous issue in the winter. Furnaces and gas stovetops can produce carbon monoxide, releasing this potentially deadly gas into the air. Don’t risk exposing your family to even small amounts of this harmful gas. Call our team to install a carbon monoxide alarm that will keep your family safe.
From indoor air components to heating system repairs, our team is at your service. Call Senica Air Conditioning, Inc. for all your heating needs this winter: 866-881-5935.
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