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Whether you have central gas heating or use a heat pump, you use your thermostat frequently. However, they aren’t infallible as they’re complex components that can cause issues with your HVAC system. Below are four hidden issues your Brooksville, FL, thermostat could cause.

1. Inaccurate Readings from Thermostat

One of the items in your home you may forget to clean is your thermostat. When it becomes dirty, it has a harder time gauging your home’s temperature. To clean it, dust the inside cover and use a piece of paper to clean the contacts.

2. Decreased Energy Efficiency

The older your thermostat, the higher the chance of it will eventually breaking down. They may also decrease the energy efficiency of your HVAC system. With a more modern programmable control, you have better energy consumption and it keeps your home at a consistent temperature.

3. Thermostat Causes Uneven Heating

Your thermostat has internal sensors that ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly. As it ages, the sensors become mis-calibrated, leading to inaccurate readings and decreased efficiency. This is another reason why your HVAC system requires regular maintenance.

4. Heater Doesn’t Activate When It Should

The location of your thermostat also affects how well it works. If its location is by a window, in direct sunlight or within 5 feet of the door, it may throw off the accuracy of the reading. If it is in direct sunlight, it thinks your home or room is much warmer than it actually is.

Another issue is when older homes settle and shift, your thermostat becomes unlevel and won’t work as it should. Mercury bulb thermostats need to be level to function correctly.

When there’s an issue with your HVAC system, it only makes sense to rely on a company that provides high-quality, dependable and affordable HVAC services. Contact Senica Air Conditioning today for your heating installation or repair needs.

Image provided by iStock

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