The indoor air quality of your home is important to the health of your family, whether they all have a clean bill of health or suffer from respiratory issues like allergies or asthma. You can help ensure their health by putting these techniques that will prevent indoor air pollution into practice:
Be Aware of Your Air
Unless you’re already treating your home’s air, you may have no idea what’s in it. Some things, such as dust and germs, may be evident, but your indoor air may be hiding more nefarious elements, such as radon. Hire a qualified HVAC technician to test the air to be sure of what you’re up against.
Upgrade the Air Filter
The majority of basic air filters don’t eliminate small pollutants. If you want indoor air treated each time the furnace is in operation, upgrade to a more advanced filter. The more expensive ones will work best, but every little bit helps. Also be sure to change the air filter regularly to maintain proper airflow.
Provide Proper Ventilation
Although it’s important to seal air leaks, you also don’t want to completely prevent air from escaping. An easy way to improve ventilation is to use exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen.
Reduce Chemical Use
There’s a good chance you have a few chemical products under the kitchen sink, and each one of these can be harmful to your air, especially if you use them on a regular basis. A good plan is to reduce the frequency, but it’s even better to replace some of them with natural products.
Use an Electronic Air Cleaner
A quality air cleaner is an investment. That said, an air cleaner that treats the entire home is extremely beneficial to the quality of your air.
For more expert advice on how to prevent indoor air pollution, or if you have any other types of home comfort issues, please contact the professionals at Senica Air Conditioning, Inc.. We’ve been serving the HVAC needs of Hernando, Pasco, Hillsborough, Pinellas, Citrus and Marion Counties since 1992.
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