Rising energy costs can be a concern if you’re on a fixed income or if your paycheck just isn’t keeping up with expenses. Cooling and heating your home is one major drain on your wallet. Fortunately, you can trim that expense and save energy at home by following these seven tips. In fact, you could see your energy bills go down by more than 20 percent.
- Check the filter on your cooling and heating systems every month. Replace the filter as soon as it looks dirty. Just hold it up to the light. If you can’t see through it, get a new filter.
- Inspect your supply and return registers regularly. Make sure nothing’s obstructing them. Keep furniture, rugs and drapes well away from the registers. For optimal air circulation. every room in your home should have a return-air register. If a room lacks a register, talk with your HVAC-system contractor about having a transfer grille installed. Keeping your interior doors open could be another option.
- Check for leaks in your ductwork. Look for holes, rips and loose connections. Badly neglected ductwork can even have disconnected sections. For a thorough inspection, hire a qualified HVAC-system contractor.
- Install a programmable thermostats. Set it to go up or down a few degrees (depending on the season) whenever you’re away at work or school. You can also program it to go down at night in the winter. For even more precise control of your cooling and heating, look into getting a smart programmable thermostat, which will allow you to monitor your cooling and heating systems from any place that has a WiFi connection.
- Set your air conditioner fan to shut off when the compressor goes off. This can be done by using the auto mode for the fan. Don’t use this fan alone to circulate the air in your home. Consider using room fans instead or having a whole-house fan installed by a professional. Use your fans alone to cool your home when temperatures are moderate.
For more expert advice on ways to save energy at home, contact Senica Air Conditioning, Inc.. We proudly serve homeowners in the Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg and Clearwater areas.