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Temperatures are falling across the country and even Brooksville, FL has some chilly nights ahead. But how can you stay comfy and warm at home if one or more rooms aren’t getting enough air from the heater? Below are three possible causes of uneven airflow in your home.

1. Dirty Air Filters

Dirt, dust, pet fur and other airborne particles clog up your air filter and reduce airflow. If every room has low airflow, then this could be the problem. Filter manufacturers recommend replacing your filter every 90 days as a general rule, but your heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) system might benefit from more frequent filter changes.

2. Damaged Ductwork

Air leaks are a big problem in many homes. If you have just one room or one section of the home with poor airflow, there is likely a problem with the ducts that carry air to those areas.

Air ducts develop cracks and holes over the years that allow air to escape and get lost in the walls and crawl spaces of your home. Professionals can clean and seal your ductwork to recover that heat loss or conditioned air and restore airflow to normal levels.

3. HVAC System Is Breaking Down

With proper maintenance and timely repairs, your heating and cooling system can last for well over a decade before needing replacement. However, all machines wear out and break down over time. When an HVAC system needs repairing, it struggles to adequately heat or cool your home.

With wintertime temperatures dropping, it’s important that your home has consistent, efficient heating. Contact Senica Air Conditioning, Inc. today to schedule heating repairs or maintenance. We’ll solve your airflow problem so you can relax and enjoy those chilly nights.

Image provided by iStock

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