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The air conditioning system in your Marion County, Florida, home uses a number of electronic components and safety features to control the current flow into the system. Electrical wiring issues like faulty wiring, loose connections, and exposed or broken wires can damage the air conditioner, not to mention incredible discomfort should the system be down on a hot day. Make sure you call in a trained AC technician at the slightest indication of wiring problem in your AC unit.

Faulty Wiring

When an electrical wire receives more current than it can handle, the wire shorts out. A short circuit damages equipment and can even cause a fire hazard. This mostly happens due to a power outage and worn-out wires. Often, a wiring issue can be at the component level due to an incorrect type of fuse, bad capacitor, or faulty thermostat.

If running your AC trips the circuit breaker, it is usually due to faulty wiring, though blocked airways may cause tripping. Sometimes, the fan in the outdoor unit may stop running when it reaches the maximum speed. In extreme cases, your AC may not start at all.

Loose Connection

Numerous electrical wires supply current to different components of the equipment. Over time, wires may get dislodged and lose contact with the component or the power source. This disrupts the current flow to the affected component and causes malfunctioning.

Exposed Wires

A bare wire around your AC unit is a major concern since it can cause electrocution and fire hazards. It can also damage your equipment if it comes in contact with water or another live wire. Check for stripped and pinched wires in your system, but do not to touch them. Sometimes, they may be hidden in the walls and pathways and not easily located without a professional technician.

Regular AC maintenance by qualified AC professionals can detect and prevent the instances of exposed wires and other wiring issues. We at Senica Air Conditioning, Inc. have been offering HVAC installation and repair services for over two decades. Call us at 866-881-5935 if you need any help.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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