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A heat pump helps cool your home during the hot summer weather. Over time, the heat pump could develop defects such as short cycling, a situation where the pump constantly turns on and off, affecting its functionality. This article delves into why your heat pump may short cycle in your Pasco County, FL home.

What Happens When a Heat Pump Short Cycles?

A well-functioning heat pump turns on and off regularly to get your home to the set temperature. If the heat pump short cycles, it will turn off and on too fast, disregarding the thermostat’s settings. Therefore, your home could either be too hot or too cold.

Most homeowners take too long to identify a heat pump with a short cycle. At this stage, the heat pump could have developed problems that could necessitate replacement. Therefore, understanding the causes of a heat pump’s short cycle can help prevent expensive repairs or premature replacements.

Why Does Your Heat Pump Short Cycle?

A clogged air filter is one of the reasons your heat pump has short cycles since it prevents air from flowing inside your home. As the heat pump overworks to push air through the clogged air filter, it short cycles as a safety mechanism.

A faulty or poorly installed thermostat can also cause short cycling. For instance, suppose the thermostat is too close to a window where the sun shines right on it. If this is the case, it takes inaccurate readings, prompting the heat pump to short cycle.

Does your heat pump experience refrigerant leaks? If it does, there is a high possibility that the heat pump could short cycle since it does not complete the heat cycle. The problem also occurs when your heat pump is the wrong size.

Clogged air filters, faulty thermostats and refrigerant leaks can cause heat pump short cycles. Nevertheless, this is a simple fix if you hire professional HVAC professionals. Contact our experienced HVAC team from Senica Air Conditioning and let us diagnose and repair heat pump short cycle issues at an affordable rate.

Image provided by iStock

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