Heating and cooling a large house can be expensive. Residents of Clearwater FL notice this more in the summer as temperatures rise and conditions become uncomfortable. Larger homes can be more costly because of heat exchange problems and structural issues affecting the ability to moderate some areas. A zoned air conditioner can help you save.
How Does System Zoning Help?
Dividing your home into sections makes it possible to heat and cool one area independently of another. This can be helpful during both summer and winter. Whether you have a large single-story home or a multi-level home, you can develop your zones based on specific problems. If your upper floors are tough to cool during the summer, you can target those spaces more intensely with a zoned air conditioner. Similarly, upper floors tend to stay warmer and require less heating during the winter, especially in our mild climate.
Do I Need More AC Units?
Zoning can be handled through multiple air conditioners. However, you can also retrofit your home’s ducts to handle zones through a system of electronically controlled dampers. Each area is controlled by an independent thermostat that ties into a common zone control panel. You can program each space according to unique issues and needs.
Can I Install My Own Dampers and Controls?
It’s always wise to enlist the help of a knowledgeable expert. Senica Air Conditioning, Inc. can analyze your home and your system to determine how many zones will adequately work. We use the best equipment for your ducts, and we make sure that everything is working correctly. Attempting to do it yourself can be frustrating, especially if you discover that you haven’t adequately planned for your zoning areas.
How Much Can I Save with Zoned Air Conditioning
The savings experienced with system zoning will vary based on your use of the zones. If you set all thermostats to the same temperature settings, you probably won’t see huge savings on your energy bill. If you have areas that aren’t occupied much during the day, your use of zones can save by eliminating heating or cooling in those low-activity spaces during times of vacancy. When the kids are at school, the zone moderating their rooms can be off. Your guest room doesn’t need to be cooled when it’s empty. Your upstairs zones can be turned off during winter days.
Ductless Zones
Ducted air conditioning systems can account for approximately half of home energy costs, and zones can reduce those heating and cooling costs by as much as 30 percent. Ductless zoned air conditioners can eliminate the energy loss experienced through ducts while providing the benefit of targeted temperature moderation. Individual room units allow room by room temperature control, even more efficient that central air moderated with zoned system controls. You can contact one of our technicians at Senica Air Conditioning, Inc. to discuss the options with system zoning.