Have you ever wondered how you could make your Tampa home more energy efficient? Follow these simple tips and start lowering your energy bills today!
- Install low flow fixtures. Replacing older, less efficient faucets and shower heads with new low-flow fixtures can save you money heating your water.
- Turn off the lights. Turning off lights, ceiling fans, computers and TVs when you leave a room can make a difference in energy costs. Teach everyone to turn everything off before leaving a room and you’ll be on your way to having a more energy efficient home.
- Swap out light bulbs. Trading older incandescent bulbs for newer more energy efficient ones will help save you money.
- Increase insulation. Inadequate insulation can be a significant culprit to excessive energy use. Adding or replacing insulation can help you have a more energy efficient home.
- Seal up air leaks and cracks. Sealing air leaks and crevices using caulk, weather stripping or foam sealant where appropriate will help you save energy in your Tampa home.
- Purchase a newer energy-efficient A/C system. An obvious way to save energy in your home, a new A/C system will be more efficient and save you money. Contact a qualified professional to find the air conditioner for your needs.
- Replace old windows. Replace old windows with newer, more energy efficient ones. If new windows aren’t in the cards right now, modify your existing windows with storm panes to help increase their efficiency.
- Replace your old furnace. Though you probably use your furnace less than your A/C unit here in Florida, replacing an outdated furnace with a newer one will help you save money.
- Check for the Energy Star logo. Be sure to look for the Energy Star logo when shopping for new appliances to ensure energy efficiency.
- Add a source of renewable energy. The most common source for homeowners to purchase is solar panels, and here in Florida you can utilize our beautiful sunshine all year long.
For more information on how to make your home more energy efficient, contact our experts at Senica Air Conditioning, Inc., Inc. We’ve been serving the Tampa area since 1993.