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If you’re searching for an easy New Year’s resolution that will benefit your wallet and the world at large, resolve to become more energy efficient in 2017. A few small changes can yield lasting results that will minimize your utility bills and make your Crystal River, Florida, home a more eco-friendly environment.

Set the Thermostat Smarter

Resolve to change your thermostat settings a few degrees for better energy efficiency. This means keeping the home a bit warmer than you’re used to in summer, and cooler in winter. You can compensate for the difference by using lighter or heavier blankets on the bed, or dressing for the temperatures better to stay comfortable.

Change Your Filter Often

It’s easy to forget about air filter changes, but swapping out your dusty filter for a fresh clean one will improve your indoor air quality as well as your energy efficiency. Stock up on a year’s worth of air filters now so you’re prepared for fast, convenient swaps. Mark your calendar to change the filter every one to three months. If you have pets, children, or allergy and asthma sufferers in the home, opt for more frequent filter changes.

Pick Power Strips

Your television, computer, gaming systems, and other major energy consumers should be on power strips. Power strips will stop these energy vampires from sucking extra energy while they’re off. You can find lots of smart options for convenient power strips, like those with motion detectors that will shut off when there’s no activity in the room, or remote-controlled power strips that make it easy to switch off the energy when the strip is in an inconvenient location.

Upgrade Your Appliances

If you’re making any major appliance purchases this year, resolve to go with an Energy Star certified product. Whether you’re investing in a sleek new fridge or a faster washer and dryer, you can minimize your energy use by going with a greener device.

Make your home comfort systems as green as possible by keeping them well maintained. If you’re overdue for a tune-up, contact Senica Air Conditioning, Inc. at 866-881-5935 to schedule a visit.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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