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price tagWhen you’re shopping for a new air conditioner, you’ll probably start by comparing prices for different models. In addition to the sticker price, keep in mind that cooling equipment comes with ongoing expenses over an expected life span of about 15 years. To make the wisest air conditioner replacement choice, you’ll need to weigh all of the up front and lifetime costs.

Breaking Down First and Lifetime Costs

First costs include the price of the equipment and professional installation, less any rebates or discounts. The costs incurred over the A/C’s lifetime include the energy used to operate the equipment, supplies such as refrigerant and air filters, yearly preventive maintenance and any needed parts and repairs. Generally, the higher an air conditioner’s upfront cost, the less you can expect to pay in lifetime costs.

Factors That Determine Lifetime Costs

One of the key factors that affects a new A/C’s lifetime costs is quality installation. Having a qualified, experienced HVAC contractor handle the installation has a direct impact on performance, reliability and efficiency. Here are other important lifetime cost factors to consider:

  • Quality – Higher-priced A/Cs are built to stricter quality standards and are often equipped with features you won’t find on less expensive models, such as efficient two-speed compressors.
  • Durability – Quality-built equipment is also more durable, so it’s less likely to break down and require repair over its service life.
  • Energy savings – A/Cs with higher seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) ratings cost more because they use the latest technologies to boost efficiency. With efficient features like variable-speed air handlers and improved coil designs, you’ll recoup that extra cost with energy savings over the equipment’s life span.
  • Maintenance – Less durable equipment is likely to require more maintenance, while a higher-quality A/C that stands up better to normal wear and tear can save you money on routine care costs.

Learn more about Senica Air Conditioning, Inc. Inc.’s air conditioner replacement solutions, or call us at 866-881-5935 for expert help!

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