Practicing conservation in the summertime will help you offset those high cooling bills with little sacrifice on your part. These energy savers will trim your utility budget and help you cool your home more efficiently.
- Keep an eye on the air filter for the air handler. Cooling systems run often during the summer in Tampa and the debris that the filter traps increases faster than it does in the winter. A clean filter prevents your evaporator coil inside the air handler from freezing up, which increases electric bills. Making a point to check the filter monthly and changing it when it’s dirty will increase the airflow through the air handler, lowering your cooling bills.
- Have your cooling system professionally maintained this summer. Routine maintenance brings the system back to its original efficiency as much as possible. HVAC professionals clean and adjust the parts, check the refrigerant level and oil the motors. They fix small problems that could become larger issues if they remain unchecked.
- Install a programmable thermostat to take advantage of one of the best energy savers available. Keeping the temperature at 82 degrees or higher when you’re not at home cuts your electrical bill substantially.
- Turn your water heater down to 120 degrees F. Not only does this cut your water heating bill, it also minimizes the risk of scalding injuries. Fewer hard water deposits will form at the bottom of the tank at 120 degrees, which helps the heater work more efficiently.
- Run only full loads in your clothes washer and dishwasher. These appliances use the same amount of electricity regardless of load size.
- Shade your east-, south- and west-facing windows with shade screens or solar reflective film. Shade cloth can block 90 percent of the sun’s heat and reflective films resist heat transfer, summer and winter.
- Turn off fans in rooms you’re not using. The fans don’t contribute to keeping a room cool. The moving air just makes you feel more comfortable.
If you’d like to learn more energy savers for your home, contact Senica Air Conditioning, Inc.. We provide HVAC services for the Tampa area.