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Locations in Spring Hill & Crystal River, FL!

2 Reasons Not to Skip that HVAC Inspection

If your HVAC system is working fine, you may wonder why you need a yearly tune-up when it seems more cost-effective to skip it. But in the humid climate of Tampa and Spring Hill, FL, you’ll save more money and considerable headaches if you get that yearly HVAC...

4 Quick Tips for Staying Cool While Saving Energy in Summer

How do you reconcile staying cool in the Pinellas County, FL heat with keeping energy costs low and remaining environmentally friendly? These four tips will help you save energy without sacrificing your sanity to the Florida heat. Avoid the Stove Have you ever noticed...

3 A/C Apps for Busy People

As a resident of Hillsborough County, you know how hot and humid it can be during a Florida summer, and if you’re busy you probably need a way to adjust your A/C settings when you’re out of the house. Thankfully, there’s an app for that. Wi-Fi...

Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio: What SEER Means to You

The seasonal energy efficiency ratio, or SEER, is the primary guideline to evaluate the efficiency of central air conditioners. When shopping for a new unit, SEER ratings are an important tool to compare the relative efficiency of different makes and models. The SEER...

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