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Locations in Spring Hill & Crystal River, FL!

A Room-by-Room Approach to Improving Indoor Air Quality

Because tainted air can happen in any room in the house, improving indoor air quality on a room-by-room basis is helpful. Sources of poor indoor air quality in individual rooms can affect occupants before the air is circulated through the HVAC system and filtered....

Why Is Having a Matched Air Conditioner System Important?

The components of your matched air conditioner system were made for each other — literally. Sometimes, however, when replacement of the outdoor component that incorporates the compressor and condenser coil becomes necessary, there’s an impulse to economize...

3 Things That Can Go Wrong With Your A/C’s Condensate Drain

If your A/C’s condensate drain malfunctions, you’ll know about it, but probably later rather than sooner. The evaporator coil in a typical central air conditioner produces over 20 gallons of condensation per day in Florida’s humidity. If that liquid flows...

How Does Your A/C’s Refrigeration Cycle Work to Keep You Cool?

The refrigeration cycle isn’t just something that keeps the ice cream from melting in your kitchen freezer. Utilized by your central air conditioner, the refrigeration cycle extracts heat energy from inside your house and moves it outdoors. Though the first air...

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