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Air Conditioner Replacement Shopping? Check Out Lifetime Costs

When you’re shopping for a new air conditioner, you’ll probably start by comparing prices for different models. In addition to the sticker price, keep in mind that cooling equipment comes with ongoing expenses over an expected life span of about 15 years....

7 Tips to Keep Cooling Costs at a Minimum

How efficient is your home cooling? Many homeowners think about cooling as a matter of turning on the air conditioner and cranking it until their home is cold, but there are many ways you can get that refreshing chill and reduce cooling costs by giving your A/C a...

Troubleshoot Common A/C Problems Before Scheduling Repairs

When something goes wrong with the A/C in your Clearwater home, it takes top billing on your to-do list. That doesn’t always mean you have to call an HVAC technician right away. Try these tips to troubleshoot common A/C problems before calling for an air...

Increase Comfort and Savings With a Ductless System

Ductless systems offer Tampa area homeowners many options for home cooling and heating room additions, sunrooms and more. Like any home comfort system, ductless A/Cs and heat pumps must be used correctly for maximum benefit. Use these tips to increase comfort and...

Were Your Ducts Designed for Energy Efficiency?

An efficient heat pump or A/C is certainly the heart of your Tampa home’s central HVAC system, home comfort and efficiency, but the ducts are the lungs of the home. To enjoy maximum comfort and low energy bills, the ducts must be designed well and kept in good...

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